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Jumat, 02 April 2010

science ? or not ? knowledge ? its so bad !!!

In principle we need to acknowledge and explain the nature of music itself. Most things that are familiar to consider music a healthy start, nothing more to argue that the human phenomenon called the relationship with the music. For a second opinion is needed for our understanding of human phenomena such as so-called music.

Let us ask ourselves, is there any sense of where music is a human activity? logical answer is "yes, yes is", without any form of human activity, no sound or music created musical works. In short, what the music is basically a human activity. Well, then, when we eat is the music, when we ride public transportation is the music, when we take a bath is the music, really?

In the case of my colleagues pertunjukkanya, product, or music that comes from the mind, what is offered is more than just a music product, or a composition per se, or merely an improvisation, or a mere show. But what is offered is the result of human activity that have a specific purpose. This means music that is not merely a bundle of products or objects, but in this case is more seen as a symbol, emblem, namely "to say something about something", so music dealing with the meaning and message to the sink. Meaning and message can be affected by the current context of human work, whether it is the goal, audience and so forth.

The person named Hyden do something that creates a concerto. What he did was to create something in the context of the time, place and type of piece of music at that time. In the case of co-author of the performance, he did something. What he did was to create, write, perform, improvise, and record something with the context of time, place and type of other musical works. There are so many kinds of musical situations where both the composer in the act of creating his works.

If music is basically a form of human activities that have a specific intention, at least in music includes three parts, namely, the composer, musical products they produce, and the activities in which the composer makes musical products. But by all three authors is not complete, as well as "making sambel not use cayenne pepper." Composers create something (music), are in a particular context. This means that when the composer out of ideas, will be influenced by the particular context, as mentioned above, can be seen from its purpose, audience, place or time.

Examples of cases, when a composer to create music from musical gong. To ring the gong, struck in accordance with certain norms, but the composer ring it in a way swiped and beaten with stones and even tanks rolled a tire that will be transported into the truck. Of course what the composer is not crazy? Of course not, if it is associated with a context that has been described previously. This means that the composer has a purpose, find out who your audience or spectators, to know where the place and time.

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